Solar energy is a great way to lessen our overall dependence on fossil fuels, which is a finite resource. With advances in technology, you now have more than one option when it comes to solar power. Where solar panels used to be the only affordable way to take steps towards a sustainable, greener future, you can now also select solar roof tiles.
In this article we will explore both options, review some advantages and disadvantages, and we will also touch upon cost. If you’re left with any questions about whether you personally are better off with either solar tiles or solar panels, feel free to reach out to Smartly Energy; we’re happy to help.
The differences between solar tiles and solar panels
Both solar panels and solar tiles use PV (photovoltaic) technology to harness energy from the sun to turn it into usable energy. However, where solar panels are installed on top of an existing roof, solar tiles replace existing tiles.
Solar panels are separate panels which will need to be mounted and installed on top of an existing roof structure. The panels will not replace any existing roofing. They are usually slightly bulkier. The number of panels installed is often dependent on requirements as well as space available. If you had a quirkier roof design than what is normal, fitting the required number of solar panels might become challenging.
Solar roof tiles are an all-in-one option. It is a roof tile with integrated solar technology that takes away the need for separate panels to be installed on top of your roof. Existing non-solar roof tiles will be replaced with solar roof tiles. Solar tiles come in a variety of colours, including terracotta, grey and black just like regular roofing tiles.
The Pros & Cons
Let’s delve a little deeper into the pros and cons for solar panels and solar tiles to help you decide.
- Curb Appeal
If curb appeal is high on your list of priorities, then solar tiles will beat solar panels on that consideration. Solar tiles are by definition a more integrated solar option. Whether you plan on kitting out your home or office, solar tiles will integrate seamlessly without having to compromise on aesthetics. A solar roof constructed from solar tiles will look just like a normal roof. Solar panels are installed an existing roofing and will therefore always stand a little bit more. While there is an option to create integrated solar panels, they will still stand out a little more than solar tiles.
- Efficiency
At the moment, solar panels still offer a higher efficiency than solar tiles. Solar tiles typically achieve a 10-20% efficiency whereas solar panels can achieve 18-25%. You can make up for the lack of efficiency by installing more tiles. If you’re restricted in where and how many tiles or panels can be installed, then going for the more efficient option might provide you with better energy savings.
- Cost
Not completely irrelevant, solar roof tiles are a little more expensive than solar panels. This is partly because solar panel technology has been around for longer and this has therefore helped to make them more affordable. Solar tiles are a newer, slightly more costly technology as it stands. However, new advances are made with tiles all the time. As a rough estimate, solar panels cost on average £1750 per kW whereas solar tiles cost on average £2500 per kW.
- Installation
If you’re not really looking to replace your whole roof, or an entire section of your roof, you might be better off going for panels instead. However, if your roof needs repairs and you were replacing sections anyway, you might like the roof tiles options better. This will be a personal consideration for the most part. Generally, solar panels are a quicker installation than solar tiles.
- Durability
Solar panels have been proven to be very durable, and last on average anywhere from 20 to 25 years. Solar tiles have not been around for as long, but manufacturers do say that they expect a very similar durability of 25-30 years. Depending on manufacturer, you will get a warranty up to 20 years to underwrite the quality of the solar tiles.
Solar Panels vs Solar Roof Tiles: How to choose?
Ultimately, the choice of solar panels vs solar roof tiles will come down to your personal preferences as well as the available budget. If you prefer a more integrated look that is less of a compromise, then you might be better off investing in solar roof tiles. If you are dealing with constraints in budget, or you might not yet be in your forever home, then it might make more sense to invest in solar panels instead. If you prefer to have a less costly, more efficient energy system in place, then perhaps solar panels are a better option for you.
Whatever the option you choose, don’t forget that you can combine solar panels or tiles with a solar storage system. This means that excess energy isn’t fed back to the main grid, it is instead stored in a dedicated solar battery so you can use this energy later in the day rather than rely on grid power. This means you’d be using your own solar power to charge your car, run your dishwasher or washing machine at night.
Solar Energy: The Smartly Way
If you’d like to discuss your options with one of our solar experts, please reach out to Smartly Energy. If you use our contact form on our contact page and include as much information as possible, we will be able to contact you with all details needed to help you make a decision. If you choose Smartly, you choose a company that will be with you every step of the process.