Are you interested in making your home or business more sustainable through solar energy, but are worried about whether a flat roof will pose limitations? No need to worry. Let’s get right to it.
Yes! While having a flat roof can create a few more challenges when it comes to installation, it is absolutely possible to get solar panels on a flat roof. It will not hinder you in making your home or business more sustainable.
It might mean that you will need more dedicated racking for your solar panels, and it could also take up a bit more space than when solar panels are mounted on a pitched roof. However, it will all depend on the space available and the flat roof in question. Give our team a call and we will gladly answer any other questions you may have.
Our expert team will review each project as it comes in and will help come up with the best solar solution for your project. Whether you’re working with a flat roof or even a low pitch roof, we will happily take the challenge and will work with you on the design, planning permission and grid applications required. We will be with you every step of the way.
No matter the size of the project, we supply solar panels to everyone. So, whether you are looking for domestic solar panel installation, or are looking at an industrial-size installation, we’re here to help. Get in touch today.
Where pitched roofs are limited in which way solar panels can be installed, solar panels on a flat roof have the benefit that they generally can be angled in the right direction such a way to capture optimal solar energy. Flat roofs are generally also easily accessed meaning that the installation and maintenance can be a lot more straightforward than with some pitched roofs.
In general, solar system installations on a flat roof will take up more space per kW than installations on a pitched roof. This is due to avoid one solar panel casting shade on the next panel. Another clear potential downside is that the flat roof will need to have been constructed in such a way that it can support the additional weight of the solar panels.
Reach out to Smartly today and let us help you figure out the flat roof solar panel installation. We’ll be happy to help with any size project and are here to answer any questions you might have. Not only do we do solar panel installation, but we also help with solar tiles. Click here to read more.